Wye Road Widening from Brentwood Boulevard to Estates Drive

Wye Road 1Owner              Strathcona County

Contract was competed in 2019 with many challenges due to the proximity of ATCO pipelines. This project consisted of widening the road along with resurfacing the existing surface with contract value of over 3 million dollars.

Project Scope:

–           Act as prime contractor for multiple sub-contractors.

–           Removal and disposal of existing concrete.

–           Supply and installation of new concrete work.

–           Installation of new roadway.

–           Mill and overlay of existing road structure.

–           Underground storm realignment underground trench work.

–           Topsoil and seed placement.

–           Coordinate with ATCO pipelines for the installation of an asphalt trail on right of way.

–           Public engagement and traffic accommodation during construction.

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